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West Suffolk Local Plan

Email received 15th June 2023 from Strategic Planning Services at West Suffolk Council

Dear Parish Council

Thank you for your interest to date in the West Suffolk Local Plan.

As you may be aware the council has undergone a change in administration and councillors are currently working through a number of priorities, one of those being the emerging West Suffolk Local Plan.

West Suffolk have reviewed the timetable for preparing the local plan and remain committed to progressing the West Suffolk Local Plan with a very small adjustment.

The programme has been slightly amended to consult on the final draft (Regulation 19 proposed submission) local plan in January 2024 rather than November and December to avoid consulting during the holiday period. Available at


Significant progress has been made to date and West Suffolk through its officers and a working group comprising a cross party mix of councillors, will continue to make progress in reviewing the submissions submitted from the preferred options consultation which took place in May 2022.

We have looked at the various evidence, and we have had ongoing conversations with infrastructure providers and stakeholders to help test the deliverability of sites within the plan period and understand any barriers that would at first need to be overcome.

This has informed the ongoing work in the drafting of planning policies and the selection of sites for housing and employment. All of this has been in readiness for consulting on the draft West Suffolk Local Plan (Proposed Submission, Regulation 19).

As you are registered on our consultation database, you will be informed of the consultation dates of the submission plan later this year.