Home > Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Kedington Parish will take place at 7.00pm on Tuesday 28th May 2024 in the Royal British Legion Hall, Kedington.

Please click here for the agenda (when available).

This is a meeting of the electorate of the village and not a Parish Council meeting. 

A parish meeting is a meeting made up of the local government electors in a particular parish and is held to discuss 'parish affairs' which have no statutory definition.

Parish affairs can be any item or topic that relates to or affects the parish of Kedington. It is an ideal forum for the Parish Council to engage with local residents. It is also the ideal forum for residents of the parish to voice their views and concerns.

The public have a statutory right to attend the parish meeting but only the government electors at a parish meeting have the right to vote at the meeting. All are welcome to attend.

An agenda will be available to download and any organisations who wish to make a report at the meeting must contact the Parish Council Clerk (clerk@kedingtonpc.org.uk) to ensure their item is added to the agenda.

If you would like to attend this meeting in person, please advise the Clerk by email to ensure sufficient seating is laid out.

If you are unable to attend but would like to bring a matter to the attention of the meeting, please email the Clerk.

The meeting allows the Parish Council and local Community Organisations to explain what they have been doing over the past year and what plans they might have for the coming year. It is also the forum for electors to have their say on anything that they consider is important to the people of the parish.  

Anyone may attend but only registered electors may ask questions. An elector may also make suggestions and comment on anything pertinent to the people of the parish. This will be welcomed and it is the whole purpose of the meeting.

The Chair of the Parish Council, if present, must preside at a parish meeting and if he/she is absent the Vice-Chair must, if present, preside. If neither are present, the parish meeting must appoint a person to take the chair of that meeting from amongst those electors present.  

It is also usual for Parish Councillors to attend and speak as necessary but the purpose of the meeting is to enable the electors to have their say. Councillors will listen and as electors themselves, also have the opportunity to raise questions and make comments if they wish.